JAKARTA - Former Commitment Making Officer (PPK) for social assistance (bantuan sosial/bansos) affected by COVID-19, Matheus Joko Santoso said that the fee of IDR 10,000 per package collected from vendors amounted to IDR 16.7 billion. However, Juliari P. Batubara only received IDR 14.7 billion.

The statement regarding the provision of social assistance fees to Juliari began when the prosecutor read out the contents of the Investigation Report (BAP) from Matheus regarding this matter. Then, the prosecutor asked him to detail the delivery of the money.

"BAP of IDR 14.7 billion in total given to the Minister of Social Affairs, (total fee) of IDR 16.7 billion, what are the details?" asked the prosecutor during a trial at the Corruption Court, Jakarta, Monday, March 8.

Matheus also agreed with the contents of the indictment. He said, the fee was given in stages but always through Adi Wahyono. All the money has already been given.

"It is more or less true. I try to convey (the details) here, for the delivery to the minister through Mr. Adi, IDR 8.4 billion, given in stages. IDR 2 billion in money, for what you don't know, just ask to hand it over," Matheus replied.

"Then I conveyed IDR 3 billion in Mr. Adi's room as well as the information to pay for lawyers, then I submitted IDR 1.4 billion in Mr. Adi's room, then I conveyed IDR 2 billion at Halim Airport when I wanted to go to Semarang, I conveyed it to Mr. Adi in the parking lot," he continued.

In addition, Matheus also said that the COVID-19 social assistance fee was given to several officials at the Ministry of Social Affairs. There was even a colleague of Juliari who was given IDR 100 million.

This was discovered when the prosecutor read out the BAP again which Matheus agreed.

"KPA Bansos Corona Adi Wahyono IDR 1 billion, Director-General Social Security Protection (Perlindungan Jaminan Sosial/Linjamsos), Ministry of Social Affairs Pepen Nazarudin IDR 1 billion, Head of Planning Bureau Adi Karyono IDR 550 million, Head of Personnel Bureau of the Social Ministry Amin Rahardjo IDR 100 million, PSKBS Director Sunarti IDR 100 million, Ministry of Social Affairs staff Robbin IDR 300 million,  Social Assistance Team Yogi IDR 300 million, Iskandar IDR 250 million, Ministry of Social Affairs staff Rizki IDR 350 million, Bansos Team Firman IDR 250 million, and Reinhan IDR 70 million," said the prosecutor.

"Yes, that's right," replied Matheus.

For information, Harry van Sidabukke is a private party charged with bribing Juliari and a number of officials at the Ministry of Social Affairs with a total value of IDR 1.28 billion.

Meanwhile, President Director of PT. Tigapilar Agro Utama Ardian Iskandar Maddanatja was charged with giving IDR 1.95 billion to Juliari and a number of officials at the Ministry of Social Affairs.

The bribery was carried out so that the two defendants were appointed as Covid-19 social assistance providers at the Ministry of Social Affairs in 2020.

Previously it was reported, Matheus also said that there was a provision of IDR 1 billion to the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). The money is referred to as operational funds.

In addition, a portion of the social assistance fee is used to pay bills for activities of the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos). One of them is paying the artist Cita Citata when participating in a meeting in Labuan Bajo.

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