JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Bambang Soesatyo alias Bamsoet invites all elements of the nation to practice the 3rd precepts of Pancasila after the success of the 2024 General Election. He asked all parties to provide space for the elected president-vice president Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka to properly develop his government cabinet.

"Let's give space to the elected President and Vice President, Pak Prabowo and Mas Gibran so that they can properly organize the cabinet," said Bamsoet in his statement, Thursday, May 2.

Bamsoet conveyed that considering that in the next five months the Indonesian nation will be faced with a constitutional series, from the inauguration of members of the DPR, DPD, and DPRD to the inauguration of the elected president and vice president on October 20, 2024 "So that we can focus on carrying out the work program that has been planned to bring the Indonesian nation to a better, more prosperous, just and prosperous direction in accordance with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia," he said.

Approaching the end of the term of office, he continued, executives and legislatures are also still faced with various national challenges that require clarity of attitude and solidity as a nation. Both at home and abroad. For example, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine that has not ended and the humanitarian crisis that has occurred on Palestinian soil continues to attract the attention and sympathy of all citizens of the world. Not to mention the conflict between Israel and Iran which is increasingly heating political temperatures in the Middle East region and has an impact on the escalation of global geopolitical tensions.

Menurutnya, sikap tegas dan komitmen Indonesia dalam mendukung perdamaian dunia serta menjunjung tinggi kemanusiaan harus diperjuangkan melalui jalur diplomatik pada berbagai forum internasional. "Menyikapi kondisi ini, kita harus menjunjung tinggi amanat konstitusi untuk menentang setiap aksi kekerasan yang mencederai nilai-nilai kemanusiaan, keadilan, dan keberadaban," kata Bamsoet. Sementara dari dalam negeri, tambah Bamsoet, bangsa Indonesia harus mewaspadai dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh gejolak geopolitik global terhadap kondisi perekonomian domestik. Seperti penguatan dolar Amerika terhadap rupiah yang membuat cadangan devisa negara turun cukup signifikan.

Then the disruption of the global supply chain that has the potential to cause rising commodity prices. Including the movement of oil prices that will affect the state budget and the nation's economy.

"Nevertheless, we are still grateful that the projected economic growth in the first quarter of 2024 will continue to grow positively in the range of 5.17 percent. This shows that our domestic economic condition is still quite strong amid global pressure," said Bamsoet.

"We must continue to maintain this positive trend of the domestic economy, we even increase it from time to time," concluded the Golkar legislator.

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