Distribution Of Mount Ruang Eruption Ash, People Are Asked To Use Masks Outside Their Homes
Community activities using face masks (ANTARA)

MANADO - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) appealed to residents to wear masks to be aware of the volcanic ash of Mount Ruang in Sitaro Islands Regency, North Sulawesi (Sulut).

"The distribution of Mount Ruang volcanic ash is quite dangerous and can interfere with health," said Head of BMKG Manado, Main Dhira, in Manado, Tuesday, April 30.

He stated that his party would continue to coordinate with all stakeholders and continue to monitor the spread of volcanic ash.

"The spread of volcanic ash will continue to be monitored, and currently most are heading to the north," he said.

BMKG has raised the status of Mount Ruang from Level III or Alert to Level IV or Alert since April 30, 2024 at 01.30 WITA.

On April 1 to 28, 2024, the number of seismicities was recorded as many as six earthquake eruptions, 15 earthquake avalanches, one tremor earthquake, one nonharmonic tremor earthquake, three tremors.

Then, there were also 2,057 deep volcanic earthquakes, 1,018 shallow volcanic earthquakes, 32 local tectonic earthquakes, and 195 distant tectonic earthquakes, and earthquakes were felt seven times on the MMI scale.

Meanwhile, the number of seismicities recorded through seismic stations along April 29, 2024, was from 00.00 to 24.00 WITA as many as 15 avalanches, 237 shallow volcanic earthquakes, 425 deep volcanic earthquakes, 25 local tectonic earthquakes, and six distant tectonic earthquakes.

In Level IV status, residents who live in the Tagulandang Island area are within a 6 kilometer radius so that they are immediately evacuated to a safe place outside that radius.

People around Mount Ruang should remain vigilant and not enter a radius of 6 kilometers from the center of the active crater of Mount Ruang.

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