Central Java PDIP Candidates Who Win High Votes Are Threatened Not To Be Inaugurated, KPU Is Ready To Absorb Aspirations
Karangan bunga dari para caleg PDIP di berbagai wilayah di Jawa Tengah yang tertancam tergusur akibat sistem Tandante di depan kantor KPU Jateng di Semarang, Senin. (ANTARA/IC Senjaya)

Central Java (Central Java) KPU is open to the aspirations of PDI-P legislators (PDIP) as a result of the 2024 General Election which is threatened with obtaining their seats due to the implementation of the Kamadante Stelsel system.

"Whatever the aspirations, we are open. Although officially the number of seats and elected candidates has not been determined," said Central Java KPU Chairman Handi Tri Ujiono in Semarang, Monday, April 29, as reported by Antara.

A number of PDIP candidates from various regions in Central Java who won high votes but were threatened with failing to be inaugurated due to the implementation of the Stelsel Commander's system sending dozens of flower bouquets to the KPU office on Jalan Veteran Semarang.

The wreath, in general, contains support so that the KPU maintains integrity and wisdom in determining the elected seats and legislators.

According to Handi, the appointment of elected seats and candidates will be held in an open plenary meeting by inviting Bawaslu and political party administrators represented by the chairman and secretary.

"In determining the elected legislative candidates, the KPU refers to the provisions of the applicable laws," he said.

He said the KPU was tasked with serving political parties as election participants.

Adapan caleg, lanjut dia, maju dalam pemilu setelah diusulkan oleh partai politik.

The replacement of the elected legislator, he continued, can be carried out as long as it is in accordance with the laws and regulations.

Some of the requirements that allow the legislator to be changed are chosen, including the legislative candidate concerned stating whether or not to meet the requirements.

"Not meeting the requirements, for example, the candidate concerned is involved in legal matters that have permanent legal force, died, or no longer become a party cadre," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Banteng Soca Ludiro, Central Java, Wawan Mulung, said that there were legislative candidates in 20 districts/cities in this province who won the most votes but were threatened with not being inaugurated due to the Commander's system.

"The Commander's system has many problems. The legislative candidates who win by KPU will be shifted by the legislative candidates below it," he said.

According to him, the legislative candidates consist of newcomer candidates and incumbent candidates.

The candidates who are threatened with their seats, he said, hope that the KPU will remain wise and maintain integrity in determining the elected seats and legislators.

Previously, Central Java PDIP implemented the Stelsel Commanderate system to win the 2024 Legislative Election (Pileg).

The system aims that regional leaders and the structural ranks of the party must work together in winning the upcoming elections.

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