JAKARTA - The daily chairman of the Gerindra Party DPP, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, assessed that amicus stole or a court friend proposed by the PDIP chairman Megawati Soekarnoputri had been broken in a trial dispute over the results of the general election (PHPU) or the 2024 presidential election dispute.

Dasco revealed that the substance of Megawati's amicuse was similar to the request for a dispute over the results of the presidential election by the presidential and vice presidential candidate pair number 3, Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD.

"The substance set out in Megawati's amicus theft has been conveyed by candidate pair 3's attorney and has been rejected at the Constitutional Court trial," said Dasco, Wednesday, April 17.

Dasco added that MEgawati's crime scene is irrelevant in the context of Indonesian law, because it is not regulated in the Constitutional Court Law and Election Law.

"Amicus stealing is not recognized in the Constitutional Court's law or in elections," said Dasco.

According to Dasco, amicus curiae should be the legal opinion of a neutral party and not directly related to the case being tried.

Previously, Deputy Chairman of the Prabowo-Gibran Legal Team Otto Hasibuan also assessed that Megawati was not right to apply as an amicuscuree. According to Otto, amicus stole should have come from an independent party and not tied to the disputed party.

"The court's friends should not be directly involved in the case. There must be people or institutions that are independent and not participated. For example from the campus, not partisans, it can be an amicus steal. We have to understand that," said Otto.

However, Otto handed over the final decision to the Constitutional Court judge regarding Megawati's status as an amicuscuree.

It is known that Megawati Soekarnoputri has volunteered as an amicuscuree in the 2024 presidential election dispute. Megawati's opinion letter was submitted by PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto and PDIP DPP Chair Djarot Saiful Hidayat to the Constitutional Court on Tuesday (16/4/2024).

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