MANOKWARI - Polda Papua Barat dan TNI Angkatan Laut (AL) melakukan mediasi pasca bentrok Brimob dengan Polisi Militer TNI AL (Pomal) Lantamal XIV/Sorong di Kota Sorong, Papua Barat Daya.
West Papua Police Chief Inspector General Johnny Eddizon Isir said mediation was carried out to rebuild the synergy between the police after the clashes that occurred on Sunday, April 14.
"The synergy between the TNI and Polri is absolute and must be maintained," said the West Papua Police Chief in Sorong, Southwest Papua, Wednesday, April 17, as reported by Antara.
According to him, the cohesiveness of TNI and Polri personnel is a must, which is not only established in the leadership element, but must reach the member element.
Because the key to Indonesia's state security is in the hands of the TNI and Polri. Therefore, it is hoped that the synergy that has been built for a long time will not run aground due to existing problems.
"Let's work together to maintain the security of this country by referring to existing laws and regulations," he said.
He said, in order to prevent a worse impact, all personnel were asked not to be easily provoked by circulating issues that could not be confirmed.
Both from the TNI-AL and Polri agencies, after yesterday's misunderstanding, I hope that it is better able to reduce each other's emotions and egos. Don't be easily provoked by the circulating issues, for the safety of the people and the integrity of the Indonesian nation," hoped the Kapolda.
The mediation meeting which took place at the Pioneer Headquarters of Brimob Polda West Papua, Jalan Tanjung Kasuari, Sorong District, Sorong City, Southwest Papua on April 16, 2024 was attended by the Commander of the XIV Sorong Navy Main Base (Danlantamal), TNI Admiral Deny Prasetyo represented by Danpomal Lantamal XIV Marine Lt. Col. (PM) Bagus Wilujeng Anjasworo, ST.
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