JAKARTA - The Commander of the Central Military Police (Danpuspom) TNI Major General Yusri Nuryanto appealed to the public regarding the rampant abuse of private vehicles using TNI service plates. "So that people do not abuse or fake the use of TNI service plates because this act is a criminal act," he said in a written statement, Wednesday, April 17, which was confiscated by Antara.

The criminal act referred to as regulated and threatened in Article 263 of the Criminal Code carries a maximum imprisonment of six years and Article 280 of Law Number 22 of 2019 concerning LLAJR with a fine of Rp. 500 thousand. Then the act of abuse and forgery of TNI service plates committed by community officials is very detrimental and defames the TNI institutions and harms the community due to their arrogance on the highway.

"The TNI Puspom together with the Police will continue to coordinate and take firm action against perpetrators of counterfeiting TNI service plates," said Yusri. Yusri also explained that his party had delegated several cases of forgery of TNI service plates carried out by community officials. "So it is hoped that the community will not be tempted to use TNI service plates," he said.

Yusri menambahkan apabila masyarakat menemukan ada pengguna pelat dinas TNI menyalahi ketentuan dan dipakai oleh orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab silakan melapor ke Puspom TNI. Termasuk apabila ada yang menawarkan bisa membuat pelat dinas TNI untuk masyarakat sipil.

The public should not believe if there are promising individuals who can create TNI service plates and their letters. "Moreover, the offer through the 'online' media," he said. Previously circulated viral videos on social media shared by the @jakartaselatan24jam account which was uploaded on Friday (12/4). In the video, a Toyota Fortuner car with TNI service plates was seen being arrogant by driving recklessly. "A Toyota Fortuner driver who used a TNI service plate was involved in a dispute with another driver on the toll road. The man admitted to serving in the TNI and was also the younger brother of a general," wrote the account. The arrogant driver has been arrested by the ranks of the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) Polda Metro Jaya for further investigation.

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