LAMPUNG SELATAN - Bakauheni Port, South Lampung, Lampung began to be crowded with travelers who were about to cross back to Merak Port, Banten on D+2 Lebaran 2024. Based on observations at the location on Thursday, there were thousands of four-wheeled vehicles, two-wheeled vehicles and pedestrian passengers who packed the Executive Pier and Reguler of Bakauheni Port as well as vehicle checking entrances. The four-wheeled and two-wheeled vehicles were seen crowding Bakauheni Port from morning to noon. The four-wheeled vehicle at Bakauheni Port was monitored at 08.30 WIB to 10.00 WIB showing the smooth condition of the vehicle. Police officers, TNI, and ASDP officers seemed busy regulating the traffic flow inside the port. The impact was seen to be the density of travelers' vehicles regulated by traffic engineering officers. Based on 24-hour data from the PT ASDP post, the Bakauheni branch has crossed the travelers' vehicles as many as 5,615 units, with details of the two-wheeled 1,212, four-wheeled 3,761 units, 195 buses, 447 trucks.

Then for the number of passengers on the ship 27,631 people with details of 1,060 pedestrian passengers and 26,571 passengers in the vehicle. General Manager of PT ASDP Bakauheni Branch, South Lampung, Rudi Sunarko, in Bakauheni, Thursday appealed to crossing service users to be able to buy Ferizy tickets from long ago. "We continue to appeal to prospective travelers from Sumatra to Java who use ASDP crossing services to buy tickets from far away," he said.

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