Lampung Police found evidence of four-wheeled vehicles related to events or incidents of an eruption in front of the main gate of the Lampung Police Headquarters.

:Kendaraan ini menggunakan nomor polisi tidak sesuai alias bodong," Kata Kabid Humas Polda Lampung Kombes Umi Fadilah Astutik dilansir ANTARA, Senin, 8 April.

He revealed that the evidence of the vehicle was successfully secured by officers from the initials J, who is the cousin of the perpetrator OS alias A who is still at large.

"We found this evidence in the area of Kecamatan District, Bandarlampung City," he said.

Based on the results of the investigation, the evidence of the Honda Jazz is strongly suspected to be stolen which will be carried out by the perpetrators on Jalan Pagar Alam Bandarlampung.

"Regarding other perpetrators, we are still pursuing them. We also continue to ask people who see or know suspicious movements in their area to immediately report them to the police," he said.

Previously, the car of members of the Lampung Police Resmob was shot by an unknown person in front of the Lampung Police Headquarters on Saturday (6/4) after carrying out surveillance on information about the sale and purchase activity of non-lettered vehicles on Jalan Ryacudu.

Then, a day after the incident, the Lampung Regional Police (Polda) arrested one person suspected of being involved in the shooting of the Resmob Team in front of the Lampung Police Headquarters.

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