JAKARTA - Pengelola Terminal Mengwi di Badung, Bali mengatur arus penumpang datang dan mudik lantaran intensitasnya sama-sama kondah.

Penggawas Terminal Type A Mengwi Ardani Nirwesti mengatakan upaya itu dilakukan untuk memberikan kenyamanan lalu lintas orang saat muju mudik Lebaran 2024.

"We estimate that the peak of the Lebaran homecoming is the weekend, namely this Saturday and Sunday," he said in Mengwi, Badung Regency, Bali, Sunday, April 7, which was confiscated by Antara.

He explained that the arrangement was made considering the number of passengers who went home and came there was a spike due to the Eid al-Fitr holiday in 2024.

The passengers who arrived, descended in front of the lobby area or in front of the 2024 Eid Transportation Integrated Command Post.

Meanwhile, travelers through the departure terminal, some of which are also immediately waiting for the bus in the bus platform area.

The arrangement was carried out by officers from Mengwi Terminal assisted by police officers who are members of the 2024 Eid Integrated Command Post.

Based on data from the terminal manager, the number of travelers departing on Thursday 4 April reached 2,400 people who were transported by 70 buses.

Then on Friday, April 5, the number of travelers rose to 2,749 people with 94 buses.

On Saturday 6 April, travelers increased to 2,932 people with 97 buses.

Most of the travelers headed for cities in East Java, Yogyakarta and Central Java.

Meanwhile, none less passengers, namely on Thursday 4 April, it reached 1,530 people with 46 buses, then on Friday 5 April it reached 1,640 people with 56 buses and on Saturday 6 April passengers came to 1,338 people with 74 buses.

It is estimated that the passengers who arrived were tourists who wanted to spend a vacation in Bali during the Eid al-Fitr 2024 long holiday, most of whom came from Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Solo, and Jakarta.

When compared to normal days, the number of passenger flows, both arriving and departing, reaches 700-800 people per day.

"I happen to have family and all vacations in Bali because the holidays are quite long," said Agus Naela, a tourist who arrived from Solo.

Menengwi Terminal is a type A terminal that serves intercity interprovincial transportation (AKAP) and is under the coordination of the Bali Class II Land Transportation Management Center (BPTD), Directorate General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation.

The terminal is served by 148 fleets which are recorded administratively by 28 autobus companies.

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