JAKARTA - Israeli spokesman Defense Forces (IDF) said in a statement that Israel was taking any threats seriously against it, and fighter jets were ready to face "various scenarios."

"In the last six months, we have been in a multi-front war. We are increasing vigilance in all arenas. We are always paying attention to threats and thwarting them, in different fields, and are at a high level of readiness to defend and attack. We continue to carry out assessments, and take every statement and all enemies seriously," said Laksda Miki, quoted from The Times of Israel April 5.

"We have strengthened vigilance in combat units, strengthened the defense (air) system, we have planes that are ready to defend, and are ready to attack," continued Laksda Miki.

He further explained that IDF personnel were deployed "at all borders" and were ready "for various scenarios."

"We must not be complacent, and at the same time, it is important for me to emphasize that there is no change in the instructions of the Domestic Front Command," he explained.

"The behavior you are responsible for at home saves lives. My only recommendation is to be vigilant and continue to follow the latest developments," he added.

Earlier, the military suspended leave for all its combat units on Thursday, it said in a statement, amid fears of a possible escalation of violence following the killings of Iranian generals in Damascus this week that drew retaliatory threats.

"In accordance with the assessment of the situation, it has been decided that leave will be temporarily suspended for all IDF combat units (Israel Defense Forces). The IDF is at war and deployment of troops is under continuous assessment as needed," the military said in a statement. a statement, reported CNN.

The move comes amid growing vigilance in Israel over a possible Iranian response to the alleged Israeli assassination of two of the IRGC's top commanders along with five other IRGC officers in Syria.

Iran and Syria accused Israel of bombing its embassy complex in Syria on Monday, which killed at least seven Tehran military officials, including Brigadier General Mohammed Reza Zahedi, a top official at the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) and senior commander Mohammad Hadi Haji Rahimi.

President Ebrahim Raisi said on Tuesday Iran would retaliate against the airstrikes.

"After failing to destroy the will of the resistance front, the Zionist regime (Israel) has put killing blindly back on its agenda to save itself. The Zionist regime must know that it will never achieve its goals and this coward crime will not be irresponsible," President Raisi said, according to state media.

Meanwhile, Iran's Supreme National Security Council announced after a meeting with President Raisi on Monday that "the right decision" had been taken in response to the attack, IRNA reported.

The Israeli military said they did not comment on foreign reports. But his spokesman told CNN the consulate was a "military construction of the Quds Forces posing as civilian buildings."

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