The Lampung High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) has begun to investigate allegations of corruption (Tipikor) at the Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) Wayrilau Bandarlampung related to the Procurement of the 2019 Bandarlampung SPAM Pump System Distribution Pipeline Procurement.

"Based on the Investigation Order Number Print-01/L.8/Fd/04/2024 dated April 2, 2024, we conducted an investigation into the Alleged Corruption Case in the Procurement of the 2019 Bandarlampung SPAM Pump Distribution Pipeline Procurement Network," Head of Lampung Attorney General's Office Ricky Ramadhan reported by ANTARA, Thursday, April 4.

In the process of examining the Procurement Activity for the Installation of the Bandarlampung Drinking Water Supply System Distribution Pipeline (SPAM), it was found that there was a conditioning act against the winner of the tender.

"Then, investigators also found that there was, manipulation of procurement documents and deliberately carrying out work that was not in accordance with the contract, causing a volume shortage in work which resulted in state losses," he said.

Ricky said the budget ceiling for the procurement of the Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM) pipeline at PDAM Wayrilau, Bandarlampung City in 2019, was IDR 87,156,366,242.00.

"From the results of the investigation, there are indications of state financial losses that were found at Rp3.2 billion and it is possible that the amount of state financial losses will increase," he said.

Lampung Attorney General's Office investigators have investigated parties related to the procurement of the 2019 Bandarlampung SPAM Pump System distribution pipeline at PDAM Way Rilau, Bandarlampung City.

"We have examined the Pokja Team for the procurement of goods and services, official commitment makers, providers of goods and services as well as financial administration officials at PDAM WayRilau Bandarlampung City," he said.

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