JAKARTA - Jambi University Professor, Sihol Situngkir, has finished being investigated as a suspect in the alleged criminal act of trafficking in persons or TIP mode of internship to Germany. The results of the collection of information, Sihol is known to have made a profit of Rp48 million.

"The suspect received a material profit of 48 million," said Director of General Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Djuhandani Rahardjo Puro as quoted on Thursday, April 4.

The money is an honorarium for the suspect. This is because Sihol Situngkir has become a resource person in several activities.

Not only money, the suspect also got an immaterial profit. Because, he got added value in the form of a journal Mandiri Business Credit (KUM) as a lecturer.

"Also getting immaterial benefits is increasing the value of the lecturer's KUM," said Djuhandani

Sihol Situngkir was questioned at the Criminal Investigation Unit on Wednesday, April 3. He is one of five people named as suspects in the TIP case in the mode of internship to Germany.

For other suspects, namely AJ, MJ, ER alias EW and A alias AE (37). The last two initials have been designated as fugitives.

In that case, as many as 1,047 Indonesian students are known to be victims. They are said to have come from dozens of universities.

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