JAKARTA - Chairman of the Kampung Bayam Madani Farmers Group Muhammad Furqon was forcibly picked up by the North Jakarta Police on Tuesday, April 2. Furqon was arrested with his wife.
This arrest is related to the polemic of Kampung Susun Bayam (KSB), where the residents of Kampung Bayam are considered to have taken the seizure because they inhabit KSB without permission from the BUMD PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) as the manager.
A companion to the residents of Kampung Bayam, Yusron, emphasized that the police did not have a solid basis for the arrest of Furqon and his wife.
"This clearly injures the mediation process that is being pursued by various parties who are in dispute over the KSB polemic," Yusron told reporters, Wednesday, April 3.
In fact, currently the residents affected by the construction of the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) are conducting mediation with Jakpro and the DKI Provincial Government. This mediation was held by Komnas KAM.
Unfortunately, in the ongoing mediation process, Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono and North Jakarta Mayor Ali Maulana Hakim were not present.
"So, the forum has not been able to decide anything and will continue to reschedule. Unfortunately, rescheduling did not happen, and even the residents were criminalized again," said Yusron.
KSB was founded and inaugurated by Anies Baswedan while still serving as Governor of DKI Jakarta in October 2022. At that time, Anies built KSB to be inhabited by residents of Kampung Bayam who were affected by evictions for the construction of JIS.
The polemic between the residents of Kampung Bayam and the DKI Provincial Government began when Anies no longer served as Governor of DKI Jakarta. The DKI Provincial Government and Jakpro argued that KSB would be designated as the residence of JIS operational workers. Meanwhile, residents continue to demand that they can stay in KSB.
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