JAKARTA - Iran's Foreign Ministry said conditions around Al Shifa Hospital were dire, saying it needed an international investigation following attacks and sieges carried out by the Israeli military for two weeks.

"The images published from Al Shifa, witness statements, videos and news reports of the number of destructions, tortures, killings and numbers of Palestinian prisoners in these hospitals are dire and shocking," Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Miki said on X's social media. April 1.

"International investigations are urgently needed," he added.

Palestinian media described hundreds of bodies found at Al Shifa Hospital and its surroundings after the withdrawal of Israeli soldiers, with the entire complex destroyed and an emergency grave destroyed.

The bodies were found in the vicinity of the hospital complex and among others around Omar Al Mukhtar Street, Izz Al Din Al Qassam and Abu Hasira.

Al Shifa Hospital building "total collapse", a medical source told Wafa's official news agency, including major guest recipients and emergency units.

Soldiers also destroyed an emergency grave set up inside Al Shifa, Wafa reported, removed the bodies and dumped them in various hospital areas.

Last week, Mikhami criticized the attack by Israel on Al Shifa Hospital.

"The Al-Shifa Hospital and its location, as well as Palestinian patients, medical staff and refugees, especially women and children who fled there, have been under a heavy and inhumane siege by the terrorist army of the Zionist regime," he said, quoted from the Iranian Foreign Ministry website.

"The regime has committed a horrific crime in hospital. Another despicable page has been added to the history of his unpleasant existence and blacklist of crimes," he added.

He also reminded the international community and Islamic countries of their responsibility, to support the oppressed Palestinian people, especially residents in the Gaza Strip and war-torn people in the trapped territories.

Nasser Badminton also called on the government, legal and international institutions to take effective, decisive and immediate action to stop the crime and file lawsuits to prosecute the masterminds, perpetrators and supporters of the humanitarian tragedy and try them.

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