PKB Waits For PDIP To Lead The Movement Of The 2024 Election Fraud Rights
DPR-MPR Building. (Dino Januarsa-Unsplash)

The PKB faction of the DPR is waiting for the PDI-P faction (PDIP) of the DPR to lead the movement to apply for the right of inquiry to investigate allegations of fraud in the 2024 General Election.

Member of the PKB faction of the DPR, Luluk Nur Hamidah, said that his party in the DPR hopes that PDIP will move because the proposal for the right of inquiry is still hanging until now. "Because the idea from the right of inquiry first emerged was from the PDIP, from the PDIP presidential candidate. So what we hope is that PDIP, which can lead from this right of inquiry," Luluk told reporters at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, March 28. Luluk admits that the application for the right of inquiry has not been implemented because according to the procedure the right of inquiry has not been submitted. So, even though PKB has voiced and encouraged the right of inquiry, the party chaired by Muhaimin Iskandar cannot move alone. "So the official requirements are in accordance with the MD3 Law, it must be at least 25 people, and then from different factions. If it is only to fulfill the requirements that are procedural, there is absolutely no difficulty. But to ensure that the proposed right of inquiry will be successful and supported by the majority vote, now we inevitably have to calculate it well, ensuring which majority power is part of this proposal for the right of inquiry," explained Luluk.

Oleh karena itu, PKB mengharapkan PDIP sebagai pemenang Pemilu 2019 hingga 2024 untuk sama-sama mengusulkan pengguliran hak angket di DPR. Sehingga kekuatan parpol pendukung hak angket di parlemen akan menjadi mayoritas. "Kalau kemudian tiga fraksi PKB, PKS atau NasDem ditambah PDIP plus misalnya PPP ya otomatis ini pasti akan leading. Nah, kita menunggu momentum itu," kata Luluk.

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