Starting With The Sound Of The Explosion, The Ceiling Of A Resident's House In Cakung Caught Fire
Residents' houses burned down in Cakung/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - The densely populated settlement in Gang Lio 1, RT 06/04, Jatinegara Village, Cakung District, East Jakarta, was hit by a fire, Wednesday, March 27.

Firefighters from the Central Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. had difficulty extinguishing the fire because the road access to the hotspots was very narrow.

"The object caught fire to a residence belonging to Sumirah. The area burned was about 60 square meters. The cause is suspected to be a short circuit," said Head of East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Gatot Sulaeman when confirmed, Wednesday, March 27.

In order to extinguish the blaze, Gatot deployed 13 fire engines with 50 personnel. The fire was extinguished at 11.38 WIB.

Luckily, there were no casualties or injuries as a result of this fire incident. The owner of the house only suffered material losses of Rp120 million.

"Distribution constraints are only narrow road access and densely occupied roads," he said.

After struggling with the fire, the flames gradually extinguished. The fire was first discovered by the owner of the house.

"Suddenly there was an explosion sound like the sound of firecrackers on the ceiling and the fire immediately grew. Currently the situation has been extinguished," he said.

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