JAKARTA - A total of 4 RTs in the West Jakarta area were flooded on Friday, March 22. The height of the flood inundation varies, from 30 cm to 60 cm.

"In Kapuk Village, there are 3 RTs flooded with a height of 30 cm. The cause is due to high rainfall," said Head of BPBD DKI Jakarta, Isnawa Adji when confirmed, Friday, March 22.

Another RT that was flooded was in Cengkareng Barat Village. The water level reaches 60 cm.

"The cause is high rainfall," he said.

In addition, as many as 4 street spaces in the Cengkareng area, West Jakarta were also flooded.

The inundated road is located on Jalan Kapuk Raya, RT 02/03, Kapuk Village, Cengkareng District, West Jakarta. 20 cm height.

Then on Jalan Gotong Royong, RT 06 and RT 097 RW 08, Kapuk Village, Cengkareng District.

"Bambu Kuning Street, RT 01/03, West Cengkareng Village with a water level of 15 cm. Jalan Nangka 8, RT 011/01, Cengkareng Barat Village. The water level is 15 cm," he said.

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