JAYAPURA - The Jayapura Regency Government (Pemkab) ensures that it applies free education to Indigenous Papuans (OAP) in its area in line with the increase in the 2024 Special Autonomy (Otsus) budget of IDR 210 billion, from last year which was only IDR 177 billion. Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Jayapura Regency Hana S Hikoyabi said the increase in the 2024 Special Autonomy Fund should be expected to bring changes to the community, especially the OAP in 19 districts. "We will coordinate with the Education Office and the Health Office for how education and health services are free for OAP, the budget is taken from the Special Autonomy Fund," he said in Sentani, Papua, Friday, March 22, which was confiscated by Antara. According to the regional secretary, education and health for OAP are very necessary because it is the most basic service for humans wherever they are, including in Papua. " “ a person's mentality will be good and the future will be bright as long as it is confirmed that he will get good education, health services since toddlers and from the womb," he said. He explained that specifically for free education, not only for SD-SMA/SMK or equivalent levels, but students from Jayapura Regency or with regional ID cards are also required to get full scholarships. "The “Beastudents are not only accepted, but the Education Office together with the Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM) must have special requirements that must be met," he said.
He added, to increase the Jayapura Regency Human Development Index (HDI) through the education sector, this year the Education Office has budgeted Rp20 billion to contract 362 teachers and provide free health services at Yowari Hospital. Data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Jayapura Regency shows that in 2023 the HDI in the region continues to increase to 73.50 percent compared to 2021 at 72.02 percent, and in 2022 at 72.67 percent.

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