JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission X DPR RI, Then Hadrian Irfani regretted the statement by the Head of the National Nutrition Agency (BGN) Dadan Hindayana who said that the Indonesian national team often lost in matches due to malnutrition. Then Ari considered that Dadan's comments were too excessive.
Then Ari also admitted that he was disappointed with Dadan's statement linking PSSI and the defeat of the Indonesian national team with nutritious food. According to him, Dadan should not have to deal with the defeat of the national team with the nutrition of the players.
"Kepala BGN jangan terlalu lebay menyangkutpautkan PSSI dengan makanan bergizi. Apalagi menyampaikan statement bahwa pemain Indonesia kurang makan bergizi," ujar Lalu Ari, Sabtu, 22 Maret.
Ketua DPW PKB NTB itu menegaskan bahwa statemen Dadan kurang pas. Sebaiknya, kata Lalu Ari, kepala BGN fokus pada tugasnya dalam menyukseskan program makan bergizi gratis dan tidak mengurusi persoalan yang bukan tugasnya.
"Kurang pas statement tersebut. Sebaiknya kepala BGN fokus saja mensukseskan program MBG, jangan buat gimmick statement," katanya.
Apalagi, lanjut Lalu Ari, program MBG masih ditemukan banyak kekurangan dan keluhan dalam pelaksanaannya. Jadi, menurutnya, kepala BGN sebaiknya fokus pada tanggung jawab dalam menyediakan makan bergizi gratis untuk para siswa.
"Fokus urus pelaksanaan makan bergizi gratis saja. Laksanakan sesuai arahan Presiden Prabowo Subianto," tegas Lalu Ari.
Terkait dengan kekalahan Timnas Indonesia atas Australia, tambah Lalu Ari, tentu banyak faktor yang menjadi penyebab kekalahan telak tersebut. Bahkan, dia menekankan, banyak pengamatan dan ahli yang telah menyampaikan analisisnya.
"Di antaranya, tim yang belum padu, karena pemain baru bergabung terlalu singkat. Kemudian pertahanan yang kurang sulit, gagal memanfaatkan peluang emas pada babak pertama, dan penyebab lainnya," ucap mantan anggota DPRD NTB itu.
Pelatih Timnas Indonesia, Patrick Kluivert, juga sudah menyampaikan penyebab kekalahan timnas. Salah satunya karena kegagalan tendangan penalti Kevin Diks yang kemudian mengacaukan konsentrasi pemain Indonesia.
"Kekalahan ini tentu menjadi bahan evaluasi agar Timnas Indonesia bisa bermain lebih baik lagi," pungkas Lalu Ari.
Sebelumnya, KepalaBadan Gizi Nasional (BGN) Dadan Hidayana memberikan komentar atas kekalahan yang dialami Timnas Indonesia dalam laga kontra Australia. Menurutnya, Timnas susah menang kala bertanding akibat asupan gizi yang kurang bagus.
"Jangan heran kalau PSSI itu sulit menang karena main 90 menit berat Kenapa? Karena gizinya tidak bagus. Dan banyak pemain bola lahir dari kampung," kata Dadan di Kantor Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum, Jakarta, Sabtu, 22 Maret.
Namun menurutnya, kini Timnas cukup berkembang lantaran adanya pemain naturalisasi. "Sekarang PSSI sudah agak baik karena 17 pemainnya merupakan produk makan bergizi di negeri Belanda," imbuhnya.
The chairman of the NTB PKB DPW emphasized that Dadan's statement was not right. It is better, said Lalu Ari, that the head of BGN focuses on his duties in the success of a free nutritious eating program and does not take care of problems that are not his job.
"It's not enough to pass the statement. It's better if the head of BGN focuses on the success of the MBG program, don't make a gimmick statement," he said.
Moreover, continued Lalu Ari, the MBG program still found many shortcomings and complaints in its implementation. So, according to him, the head of BGN should focus on the responsibility of providing free nutritious food for students.
"Take care of the implementation of the nutritious food for free. Just carry it out according to President Prabowo Subianto's direction," said Lalu Ari.
Regarding the defeat of the Indonesian national team against Australia, added Lalu Ari, of course many factors were the cause of the landslide defeat. In fact, he stressed, many observations and experts have conveyed their analysis.
"Among them, a team that has not yet combined, because the new players joined too briefly. Then the defense was less difficult, failed to take advantage of the golden opportunity in the first half, and other causes," said the former member of the NTB DPRD.
The Indonesian national team coach, Patrick Kluivert, has also conveyed the cause of the defeat of the national team. One of them was due to the failure of Kevin Diks' penalty kick which then disrupted the concentration of Indonesian players.
"This defeat is certainly an evaluation material so that the Indonesian national team can play even better," concluded Lalu Ari. Previously, the Head of the National Nutrition Agency (BGN) Dadan Hidayana commented on the defeat suffered by the Indonesian national team in the match against Australia. According to him, it was difficult for the national team to win when competing due to poor nutritional intake. "Don't be surprised if PSSI is difficult to win because it played 90 tough minutes Why? Because the nutrition is not good. And many soccer players were born from the village," said Dadan at the Ministry of Public Works Office, Jakarta, Saturday, March 22. However, according to him, now the national team is quite developed because of naturalization players. "Now PSSI is a bit good because 17 players are nutritious food products in the Netherlands," he added.
Previously, the Head of the National Nutrition Agency (BGN) Dadan Hidayana commented on the defeat suffered by the Indonesian national team in the match against Australia. According to him, the national team is difficult to win when competing due to poor nutritional intake.
"Don't be surprised if PSSI is difficult to win because it played 90 tough minutes Why? Because the nutrition is not good. And many footballers were born from the village," said Dadan at the Ministry of Public Works, Jakarta, Saturday, March 22. However, according to him, now the national team is quite developed because of naturalization players. "Now PSSI is a bit good because 17 players are nutritious food products in the Netherlands," he added.
"Don't be surprised that PSSI is difficult to win because it played 90 tough minutes. Why? Because the nutrition is not good. And many footballers were born from the village," said Dadan at the Ministry of Public Works Office, Jakarta, Saturday, March 22.
However, according to him, now the national team is quite developed because of naturalization players. "Now PSSI is a bit good because the 17 players are nutritious food products in the Netherlands," he added.
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