YOGYAKARTA - Sending Eid greeting cards is one of the habits that many people do during Eid al-Fitr. Currently making greeting cards is also very easy because it can be done using the Canva application either from a cellphone or a pc or a laptop. So how to make an Eid al-Fitr greeting card on Canva?

Lebaran 2025 stay in sight and just count the days. Like most people, you may have prepared the parcels or hampers that will be given to the closest people. So that the granting of the stamps can be more memorable, you need to add a greeting card in it.

Eid greeting cards can contain words or meaningful words about Eid and are moved by the design of ornaments or images. However, there are still many people who cannot make their own Eid greeting cards. How to make a fitr Eid al-Fitr greeting card in Canva is very easy with the guidelines below.

To create a Eid greeting card in Canva, you need to be able to do it on the application or on the website directly. You can access the Canva page for free for the purpose of making greeting cards and other design forms. You can also use the application for free by downloading it on the Play Store or App Store.

For those of you who are more used to using a PC or laptop, you can design a Eid greeting card on the canva.com page. On the website there will be many features that you can use to create designs that suit your wishes.

Here's how to make an Eid al-Fitr greeting card from the Canva website that you can follow:

Next, you can print the greeting card that has been made physically. To print the card, you need to do it yourself and spend the money.

Apart from going through the website, you can also make Eid al-Fitr greeting cards via the Canva application on your cellphone. Here are easy steps that you can follow to make Eid greeting cards from the Canva application:

Next, you can print the greeting card that has been made physically. To print the card, you need to do it yourself and spend the money.

That's how to make Eid al-Fitr greeting cards in Canva that you can follow, both on your cellphone and laptop. Don't forget to include words or special sentences to the recipient so that your greeting card can be more memorable. Also read examples of Eid al-Fitr congratulations and meanings.

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