JAKARTA The Mandala Bus Terminal in Lebak Regency, Banten Province, guarantees the smooth and safety of the 2025 Lebaran homecoming flow. Various steps have been prepared, including the placement of police personnel at points prone to congestion and crimes to ensure travelers can travel safely and comfortably.

Head of the Mandala Terminal of Lebak Regency, Muksin, said that his party continues to coordinate with various agencies, such as the police, the Transportation Service, the Health Service, the Land Transport Organization (Organda), and autobus entrepreneurs. This step aims to provide security guarantees and smooth travel for travelers.

"We involve all relevant agencies so that the homecoming flow runs smoothly. Our goal is to ensure travelers can travel safely, comfortably, and safely to their destination," said Muksin, Saturday, March 22.

In addition to the readiness of security personnel, all vehicles operating during the homecoming season have undergone strict checks through ramp checks. The inspection includes braking systems, lights, tire conditions, rearview mirrors, and various other technical aspects to ensure roadworthy vehicles.

Not only that, all drivers of homecoming transportation have also undergone drug tests. As a result, no driver was found who was indicated to use narcotics or other prohibited substances.

"We ensure that all homecoming transportation vehicles are in appropriate condition and all drivers are free from drugs so that travelers travel is safer," added Muksin.

The Mandala Terminal has prepared 61 inter-provincial Vehicle Transport (AKAP) buses from five autobus companies serving six main routes. Some of these routes include:

In addition, as many as 12 units of inner-city transportation buses (AKDP) and 25 units of rural transportation (Angdes) are also prepared to serve the Banten area. AKDP will serve the Rangkasbitung Tangerang Merak Bayah Wanasalam Labuan, while rural transportation will reach 28 sub-districts in Lebak Regency.

It is estimated that the peak of the homecoming flow at Mandala Terminal will occur on D-4 Lebaran with the number of passengers reaching 1,500 to 2,000 people. In the event of a surge in travelers, the terminal has prepared bus reserves to anticipate fleet shortages.

To avoid a jump in ticket prices that harm passengers, the Mandala Terminal together with autobus companies, Organda, and the Transportation Service have agreed that there will be no tariff increases during the Lebaran homecoming period. All Lebaran transport vehicles have also been given special stickers as a sign that the tariff remains stable.

"We ask passengers to report immediately if there are individuals who increase the Lebaran bus fare. If violations are found, strict sanctions will be given," said Muksin.

One of the bus drivers on the Rangkasbitung Bekasi route, Toni (55), said that the number of passengers had started to increase since today. According to him, this spike occurred because some companies had provided holiday allowances (THR) to employees.

"Today the passengers are starting to get busy, especially from Bekasi to various areas in Banten," said Toni.

With various anticipatory steps that have been taken, the Mandala Bus Terminal is optimistic that the 2025 Eid homecoming flow will run smoothly, safely, and comfortably for all travelers.

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