JAKARTA - PKB faction member Luluk Nur Hamidah met the demonstrators in front of the DPR building who demanded that the council use the right of inquiry to investigate fraud in the 2024 General Election. Luluk promised to fight for and pass the right of inquiry in the DPR.
On that occasion, Luluk was accompanied by F-PKB member Daniel Johan and PKS faction member Al Muzammil Yusuf.
"We can understand the enthusiasm of the ladies and gentlemen who both reject all fraud in the process of organizing the 2024 election. We both support the realization and the upholding of people's sovereignty, we share the same spirit that elections must be carried out on the basis of honesty, justice, responsibility and high ethics," Luluk said in front of the DPR building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, March 19.
The Central Java electoral district legislator stated that PKB together with PKS will struggle to listen to the aspirations of the Indonesian people and carry out their constitutional duties by proposing the right of inquiry in the DPR RI.
"We want everyone to ensure that we must uphold democracy, that the future of democracy must be upheld, we also want Indonesia to continue and respect the principles of democracy that have been born with tears and even many sacrifices from all Indonesian people," he said.
Luluk said that the political parties supporting Paslon number 1 Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar would invite the political parties supporting Paslon number 3 Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD to participate in applying for the right of inquiry in the DPR.
"Please pray that we succeed in carrying out the right of inquiry, and because of the mechanism in the DPR we cannot with only a small number of people or factions, we want our struggle to be successful, so we will invite other factions from NasDem, from PDIP, from PPP to fight together and also sell the right of inquiry as a form of our recognition of the sovereignty of the people," he said.
"Keep the spirit on the line of resistance. This is how we love Indonesia. This is how we respect and love the values that we believe will be good for the future of our democracy," continued Luluk.
According to Luluk, today's democracy will leave history for future generations. So that the value of ethical values based on honesty and justice must be accounted for.
"There should be no abuse of power in the country, there should be no abuse by using all state instruments and resources only for the purpose of winning one party, especially if it is his own family. Ladies and gentlemen, please pray for our struggle and we will continue to be with the people," he concluded.
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