GARUT - The Regional Secretary (Sekda) of the Garut Regency Government, Nurdin Yana, stated that the regulation on the prohibition of street vendors (PKL) from selling in urban centers of Garut Regency, West Java, was a decision by elements of deliberation by regional leaders (muspida) referring to applicable regional regulations.
"If yesterday's convicts at the meeting stated that they could not, there were several existing regulations," said Nurdin Yana after receiving an audience for street vendor representatives in Garut, Antara, Monday, March 18.
The decision was not the personal policy of the Acting Regent of Garut but the results of the meeting of the elements of the convict related to street vendors. "It was a muspida meeting, not a person," he said.
Nurdin said that street vendors had requested that the decision to ban selling be reconsidered on a conscience basis. Moreover, currently there is a momentum for Ramadan, not a few street vendors who have spent capital selling on site.
Nurdin added that the aspirations of this street vendor will be conveyed to the relevant muspida. "We convey their aspirations to the elements of the convict," he said.
Representative from Garut street vendor, Amang said, his presence with a number of street vendors was to convey his aspiration to reject the policy of prohibiting selling in urban areas.
If the selling permit is not issued, he said, street vendors will be confused about where to sell. In the previous year, during the momentum of Ramadan, street vendors did not have a problem selling in urban areas.
"That's why I helped the Acting Regent ask for a policy, please give permission to send it to the Acting Regent," he said.
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