Ngabuburit Di Pantai, 3 Boy Di Makassar Dies Drowning
Illustration of drowning (ANTARA)

MAKASSAR - Intending to bury or wait for time to break the fast while swimming on the beach, three 11-year-old girls drowned on Sunday 17 March.

The three children who are still in elementary school in Makassar City, South Sulawesi are Putri Rahayu, Reva, and Salfa.

Ketiganya ditemukan warga dalam keadaan sudah meninggal dunia di pinggir pantai yang terletak di belakang Trans Mall, Jalan Metro Tanjung Bunga, Kecamatan Tamalate.

The three victims previously swam on the beach during bad weather and were only accompanied by one of the adults. The victim actually swam behind the rocks to avoid big waves. However, at the location it turned out to reach more than three meters.

"According to the explanation of one of the victim's parents, they used to bathe there. According to their parents, the place was a bit shallow, but it turned out that it was inside behind it," said Tamalate Police Chief AKP Aris Sumarsono.

The victim's body, which is still in the same family, was then taken back to their respective homes to be buried before being buried.

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