National Standardization Is Needed In Determining UKT
Photo : Andreas Hugo Pareira (Special)

JAKARTA Member of Commission X DPR RI, Andreas Hugo Pareira, considers that the lack of national standardization in determining the Single Lecture Money (UKT) allows universities to interpret their own needs and lead to a significant increase in costs.

According to him, state universities that have the status of legal entities or PTN-BH and the Public Service Agency (PTN-BLU) do have the authority to determine UKT. However, these authorities should not be used arbitrarily to increase the cost of education.

"This is what needs to be a concern because with this very high tuition fee, it will harm students, especially those from underprivileged families," Andreas said, Friday, May 10, 2024.

This politician from the PDI-P faction stated that the UKT issue showed that there was a need for intervention from the Ministry of Education and Culture. Thus, universities do not go around or at their own will in raising UKT costs.

"Kemdikbudristek must supervise and direct UKT policies that are not controlled. The increase in UKT is a serious problem because it is carried out without transparency and forces prospective students to accept the policies that have been set," he said.

He asked all education stakeholders to review and evaluate this UKT policy. Commission X of the DPR, he continued, will continue to oversee the issue and ensure that every policy taken can fulfill social justice for the entire community.

"It is hoped that in the future there will be a better and more transparent mechanism in the adjustment of UKT at state universities in Indonesia," concluded Andreas.

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