Pharmacies In The UK Face Unprecedented Scarcity Of Medicines
Photo illustration. (Doc. Pixabay)

JAKARTA - A number of pharmacies and patients in the UK are reportedly affected by the scarcity of drugs needed to deal with life-threatening conditions. This report was revealed by Community Pharmacy England (CPE), Thursday, May 9.

The report says the situation has increased over the past year, affecting essential treatments for epilepsy and ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) to menopause and bipolar disorder.

The report also emphasizes an alarming trend in the pharmaceutical world, where medicines that are important to maintain health and well-being are becoming increasingly difficult to obtain.

"Patients and community pharmacies continue to be hit by regular drug supply issues," said the chief executive of a leading health care organization, Janet Morrison, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, May 9.

Morrison stressed the supply issue was one of the main pressures pharmacies is facing, and recent polls have shown worsening conditions.

Pharmacies around the world have voiced concern over the unprecedented scarcity of drugs, and fear of dire consequences for their patients.

Among the drugs affected by the scarcity situation are for epilepsy, ADHD, menopause, bipolar disorder, and cyclic fibrosis.

The scarcity of these drugs has resulted in patient delays in receiving significantly prescribed drugs, thereby increasing anxiety and stress.

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