SIMPANG FOUR - West Pasaman Resort Police (Polres) West Sumatra conducted vehicle raids during Ramadan 1445 Hijri in the context of the Synggal 2024 safety operation by examining letters and completeness of existing vehicles. "The raid was carried out in a stationary manner or raid somewhere by stopping motorists and raids by hunting," said Head of the West Pasaman Police Traffic Unit Iptu M. Irsyad Fathur Rahman at Simpang Empat, Sunday. He said that in the raid various types of vehicles, both two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles and others were terminated for inspection of vehicle documents and driving completeness. According to him, in the stationary implementation of raids in front of the West Pasaman Police Traffic Unit office, his party prioritized a humanist attitude when carrying out the examination of documents and vehicle completeness. If it was found that the driver whose tax period had expired was asked to immediately take care so there would be no problems. "In addition, our officers in the field also carried out raids on penalties along protocol 32 Pasaman Baru to Padang Tuju Tujuh which are often used as wild racing arenas and areas prone to traffic violations," he said. He explained that the targets of this operation include drivers who use Brong exhausts, drivers who use cellphones while driving cellphones while driving, under-age, riding more than one person and not using helmets and seat belts (safety belts) and motorists who are against the current.

Furthermore, officers also took action against reckless motorists and illegal racing actions, not having a driver's license, unable to show STNK and vehicles that were not in accordance with specifications. "The purpose of implementing this Silgalang safety operation is to improve community compliance and discipline in traffic to create conditions ahead of Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijriah in the jurisdiction of the West Pasaman Police," he said, "he said, the vehicles caught in the raid can be taken at the West Pasaman Police Satlantas office, by completing motorized vehicle documents such as SIM and STNK and paying a ticket through a Briva account. "Vehicles that use inappropriate exhaust or brong are required to carry exhausts according to standards and for Brong exhausts we will confiscate," he said. he hoped that public awareness in traffic could be increased in order to create better safety, security, and smooth driving. "Do consistently small practices. Like getting used to fasting Monday and Thursday, carrying out Salat D Duha and Tahajud. If it is done consistently God willing, it will be istiqomah," he said.

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