ACEH - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) said that parts of Aceh Province began to enter the dry season. The public is asked to always be aware of the potential for settlement fires and forest and land fires (karhutla). "For now, most of Aceh's territory has entered the dry season," said BMKG Class I forecaster Sultan Iskandar Muda Aceh Besar Miftahul Jannah in Banda Aceh, Antara, Thursday, March 14. BMKG predicts that Aceh's weather conditions in the next three days will generally be cloudy in almost all areas of Indonesia's westernmost province. The air temperature in Aceh, said Miftahul, for the lowland area ranges from 23 to 34 degrees Celsius, while the central area of Aceh which is a plateau ranges from 18 to 26 degrees Celsius. Although starting to enter the dry season, he continued, there are still areas with the potential for light to heavy intensity rain in these three days in the western part of Aceh, such as West Aceh Regency, Nagan Raya and its surroundings, especially in the afternoon. "In April there were several areas where there was still the potential for rain, especially the western to southern part of Aceh, then the peak of the dry season is usually from June to August," he said. Therefore, BMKG appealed to the public not to burn garbage carelessly, and to clear land by burning because there would be a potential for fires to occur. Especially for the regions on Wednesday (13/3) yesterday, hot spots were also observed such as Aceh Besar District, Central Aceh, East Aceh and Bener Meriah. The “ For these areas yesterday, 12 hotspots were monitored with moderate categories. Meanwhile, the results of this Thursday's monitoring from 00.00 WIB to 09.00 WIB have no hotspots,” he said.
For wind speeds in Aceh, generally blowing from northeast to south with wind speeds ranging from 5-20 kilometers per hour. The sea wave height in Aceh is still in the low to moderate category of about 0.1-2.5 meters. “ Still relatively safe for water activities and especially crossing areas. For crossing wave heights, Banda Aceh-Sabang and Meulaboh - Sinabang are in the quiet to low category,” he said.

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