A total of 1,621 joint TNI Polri personnel were deployed to secure a demonstration in front of the DPR RI Building, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, March 13.
"Today's demonstration, we have anticipated by preparing a number of personnel to provide security and prevent the mass of action from entering the DPR RI area," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Deputy Chief, AKBP Anton Elfrino Trisanto when confirmed.
The deployment of 1,621 joint personnel came from Polda Metro Jaya, Polres Metro Central Jakarta, TNI, Pemda DKI and other related agencies. Meanwhile, the closure or diversion of traffic flow around the DPR RI is situational.
"If in front of the DPR RI there are quite a lot of people and the escalation increases, then we will divert the flow of traffic that will lead to the front of the DPR RI Building," he said.
AKBP Anton appealed to corlaps and orators to respect and appreciate other road users who will pass in front of the DPR RI Building.
"To all parties to always maintain security and order," he said
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