JAKARTA - About 20 hectares of land belonging to the community in West Bunguran District, Natuna Regency, Riau Islands were burned to the ground. Head of the Natuna Regency Fire Service (Disdamkar) Syawal said that his party knew about the incident from the community on Monday, March 12 at 10.15 WIB. He explained that the fire was extinguished at 10.30 WIB, and the fire was successfully extinguished at 17.40 WIB. "The area of land burned in the Binjai area of West Bunguran District, approximately 20 hectares," said Syawal, quoted from ANTARA, Tuesday, March 12. In addition, fires also occurred in the Penarik area, Bunguran Selatan District. The fire was estimated to have occurred at 12.30 WIB, and the incident resulted in six hectares of land belonging to the community being burned. Although the fires that occurred in the two locations were quite extensive, but there were no casualties because the location of the fire was far from densely populated settlements. And for the cause of the fire, it is not yet known. He added that the extinguishing process was assisted by various parties, ranging from the TNI, Polri, BPBD, PDAM, and the community.

"The blackout was carried out at 13.10 WIB, and the fire was successfully extinguished at 15.40 WIB," he said. He also explained that currently Natuna is entering the dry season, as a result, in some areas it becomes dry and flammable.

Therefore, he appealed to the public not to burn forests, kill cigarette butts and dispose of them in their place, not to clear land by burning, not to leave fires in the forest and land, and immediately report them if they see forest and land fires.

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