Prone To Forest And Land Fires During Drought, Acting Gulirkan Discourse Of Firefighters In South Barito
Illustration. Efforts to prevent forest and land fires in several areas in Jambi Province. (Dodi Saputra-Antara)

Acting Regent of South Barito, Deddy Winarwan, has launched a discourse on the formation of a fire organization (damkar) or its own service in the district of the Central Kalimantan (Kalteng) region.

"This is in accordance with Article 3 of the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 16/2020 concerning Guidelines for the Nomenclature of the Provincial and Regency/City Fire and Rescue Service," said Deddy in Buntok, Central Kalimantan, Monday, March 4, which was confiscated by Antara.

He said the formation of the Fire Service organization separately is very important and urgent, because the South Barito area is quite large. This area is also prone to forest and land fires (karhutla) during the dry season.

Therefore, the Fire and Rescue Service needs to be formed separately, because so far the Fire Department is still joining Satpol PP in one service.

"For the process of establishing the service, it is currently being discussed together at the South Barito DPRD," he explained.

Deddy said it was necessary to establish the Fire Administration after attending the 105th Anniversary of the Fire and Rescue which took place at the Brawijaya Military Command, Surabaya, East Java on Friday (1/3). The activity was attended by the Minister of Home Affairs M. Tito Karnavian.

He appreciated and thanked all officers who have maintained public security and safety.

Through this momentum, it is hoped that the professionalism of firefighters will continue to be formed and imprinted, especially for firefighters in South Barito.

"Hopefully, through activities like this, it can motivate firefighters, especially in South Barito, to maximize services to the community," he hoped.

This is also in an effort to answer the community's needs in carrying out fire and rescue tasks.

He hopes for support from the people of South Barito in realizing a professional Fire and Rescue Service that can provide services in accordance with common expectations.

According to him, firefighters must be prepared, never give up and must not be careless. When there is a fire, they must be ready and trained in tackling it.

"In the future, the task of the firefighters is not only to extinguish the fire, but to save the lives of people and property," he concluded.

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