EAST LOMBOK - The East Lombok District Attorney cooperated with academics from Mataram University (Unram), West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) to physically check the drilling well project's work for agricultural irrigation which cost the central budget of Rp1.13 billion. Head of the Special Crimes Section of the East Lombok Kejari, M. Isa Ansyori, said that the effort to collaborate with the academics from Unram was to see the specifications of the work based on project planning. "The academics we are collaborating with here are from the construction expert, the Unram Faculty of Engineering to help see the results of the work," Isa said by telephone from Mataram, Antara, Monday, March 4. In terms of regulations, he explained, the East Lombok Kejari had written to Unram regarding the submission of the request. "We have submitted a letter. So, we just have to wait for when to come down to check the location," he said. From these efforts, he hopes that academics can help the prosecutor's office analyze the work that took place in the 2017 fiscal year. There are allegations that the project in Tejong Daya Hamlet, Ketangga Village, Suela District, has so far stalled and cannot be used by the community. In addition to cooperating with academics, the prosecutor's office also submitted a letter requesting an audit to the NTB Inspectorate. "With the inspectorate we have also done pre-expossion. Initial coordination, we were asked to prepare whatever materials were needed for the audit," he said. One of them, the results of physical checks from academics. Therefore, Isa ensured that the results of the analysis from the academics became the completeness of the audit material for calculating state financial losses. "Later, the results from Unram will be converted by the auditor (NTB Inspectorate)," said Isa. The handling of the alleged corruption case that is currently underway at the investigation stage has not revealed the role of the suspect. However, Isa said that there had been dozens of witnesses who provided information in the investigation process.
The witnesses came from the East Lombok Regional Government (Pemda), the Central Government, in this case the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) as distributors of projects, contractors and private parties related to the implementation of activities. "There are around 18 witnesses who have been examined," he said.

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