JAKARTA - The implementation of the Extraordinary Congress (KLB) can no longer be stopped. There were reports that the movement to take over Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono's leadership would be held in March.

Like a rolling snowball, the internal conflict within the party was getting bigger and bigger.

The chaos started when the Democratic Party wing organization expressed its support for the Extraordinary Congress (KLB) which was dissatisfied with AHY's leadership. Starting from the Democratic Youth Cadre (KMD) to the Democratic Youth Force (AMD).

Apparently, this attitude ignited anger at the top of the party. The management of the Democratic Party is said to be looking for actors who are the masterminds of the KLB movement, until news emerged of the dismissal of 7 names suspected of playing the coup issue.

It didn't stop, the problem got even murkier. The founders of the Democrat Party were increasingly disappointed with AHY's move, which was considered to show a dynastic style because of disrespectfully dismissing cadres.

The proponents of Democrats unanimously stated that they supported the dismissal of AHY and the implementation of the KLB. In fact, it was stated that the agreement for the existence of an KLB had appeared since SBY's leadership before the 2019 presidential election.

Chairman of the Central Executive Board of Democrat Youth Cadre (DPP KMD) Aswin Ali Nasution asked Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) to resign as chairman of the Democratic Party.

"We respectfully ask Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono to resign," said Aswin during a press conference at Mega Kuningan, Jakarta, Thursday, February 25.

KMD supports the implementation of KLB to reduce AHY's position in order to create a party that is more humanist, advanced, and modern. KMD has also asked several figures worthy of leading the Democrat party in facing the 2024 General Election.

Two days later, the Democrat Youth Force (AMD) also supported the holding of an Extraordinary Day to dismiss AHY. They denied that the KLB was a form of a coup against SBY's eldest son. According to him, KLB is in accordance with the constitution, both state and party law.

"This is not a coup movement, this is a constitutional movement being carried out. But in a hurry to be judged that this is a coup. Therefore, we should take this step. This is an organization, a legal step regulated by party law, namely the extraordinary congress movement (KLB) which constitutionally clear, firm, and legally valid," said AMD Chairman Boyke Nivrizone during a press conference in South Jakarta, Saturday, February 27.

Boyke then alluded to the KLB against Anas Urbaningrum, who was then Head of the PD.

"Why touch the constitution. We flashback, Mr. Anas Urbaningrum as the General Chair, because there was a political incident, then there was a change. At that time, Mr. SBY replaced Mr. Anas Urbaningrum for the results of the extraordinary congress. It is legally and legally valid, both state law and political parties," he said.

According to Boyke, under AHY's leadership, the internal solidity of the Democratic Party was disturbed. This is considered to be very contradictory to the previous General Chairman, namely SBY who was simple and put forward humanist methods.

"Under the leadership of Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono as Chairman of the Democratic Party, the solidarity of the party was violently disturbed, and authoritarian methods were used as organizational solutions instead of promoting the humanist path and upholding the human values that have been regulated in the Party's statutes. This is of course different from the previous leader," he said.

On the same day, one of the founders of the Democratic Party, Hencky Luntung said support was made by the founders of the Democratic Party in order to save because AHY was deemed incapable of leading the party bearing the mercy symbol.

"First, as founders, we see the chaos that occurs due to not having a party leader. Please underline, the inability of the party leader, in this case, Brother AHY. Please underline, don't be afraid," said Hencky Luntung at a press conference in the Mega Kuningan region, South Jakarta, Saturday, February 27th.

He also emphasized that the Extraordinary Congress will certainly run. Hencky did not even dismiss the KLB main agenda of urging Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) to resign as chairman.

"So no longer, is it possible, it will definitely work! And about removing, we will definitely do it!" Henky said in a press conference in Kuningan, Saturday, February 27.

The cadre of KLB activists fired, threatens to sue at Administrative Court 

The Democrat Party crisis got even worse after the dishonorable dismissal of 7 PD cadres. Six cadres were fired over the movement to take over the leadership of the Democratic Party (GPK PD) or the coup of the general chairman (Ketum) of PD Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY). Meanwhile, one name was deemed to have violated ethics for his behavior, namely Marzuki Alie.

This dismissal also resulted in the filing of a lawsuit to the State Administrative Court (PTUN).

A senior politician from the Democratic Party (PD), HM Darmizal MS, will file a lawsuit against the PTUN regarding the dismissal of the Democrat Party against its cadres. However, he did not confirm when the lawsuit would be filed. He only informed that it would be done in the next one or two days.

According to him, the decision to unilaterally dismiss him and the 6 other senior cadres will further solidify the ranks to organize the KLB. Because, this action actually made the public and cadres believe that the Democratic Party was in the wrong management and was thick with nuances of being unregulated and undemocratic.

"First, I say Innalillahi Wainna Ilaihi Roji'un, everything comes from Allah and in the end, it returns to Allah. Second, I am not sad, let alone grieve over this dismissal," he told reporters, Friday, February 26.

Darmizal claims, the KLB must be carried out for a noble cause based on sincere intentions with the benefits of goodness, especially in order to save cadres throughout Indonesia from the behavior of injustice party leadership. In fact, the dismissal was a milestone in the most monumental history and the militant spirit to hold an Extraordinary Congress (KLB) to restore the rights of cadres.

According to him, this action will make the cadres' struggle to improve the Democratic Party even stronger. All cadres will use this momentum to fight the arrogance that has occurred so far, such as suppressing authority, extracting fees, transactional politics, and without transparency in party financial management.

"This dismissal will make the party's agenda for change and improvement even more vibrant, even bigger. The KLB, God willing, will be carried out soon," he said.

Increasingly hot, SBY is called not the founder of the party

The flow of internal conflict was swift when the initiators said Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) was not the founder of the Democratic party. The name of the former chairman of the party bearing the mercy star logo was declared not on the list of founders.

Hencky Luntung, one of the founders of the Democratic Party, Hencky Luntung, firmly stated that Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was not the founder of the party.

Hencky explained that the former sixth President joined the PD when he was about to run as a presidential candidate in 2004. He also explained that the process of forming the Democratic Party had been going on since 2001.

"What is the first vision and mission of the 2001 democrats? If asked in Cikeas they do not understand them, they are asked what else the DPP is. They are not the founders," said Hencky during a press conference in the Mega Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Saturday, February 27.

In line with Hencky, Ilal Ferhard explained that the early history of the Democrat Party was formed to be used by SBY as a political vehicle for advancing as a vice presidential candidate who would be paired with Megawati Soekarnoputri in 2000. Due to time constraints, SBY ultimately failed to become Megawati's running mate.

"We want to establish a party, we don't know the name of the party. We have to look for a vehicle for him (SBY, red) as Vice President Candidate like that. But the time is short so he can't become a Vice President. Finally, Hamzah Haz became the Vice President of Mrs. Megawati" explained Ilal.

Ilal continued, after the founders of the Democratic Party failed to deliver SBY as a vice presidential candidate, a drafter was formed to design the Democratic Party perfectly, one of which was the late Ventje Rumangkang.

"SBY was not included in the ranks of the name as the founder of the party. After this party was established, we often walked while we were waiting for SBY to be nominated as the presidential candidate at that time. So we proposed SBY as the presidential candidate for 2004. The formation process in 2001, preparations for presidential candidates since 2003," continued Ilal.

Ilal also explained that there had been a tug of war from SBY's intention to nominate him for President because he was still the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs. It was only at the end of 2003 that SBY asked to join.

"Approaching the presidential election at the Mirah Hotel, Bogor, there are historical witnesses of all. SBY and the late Mrs. Ani said they asked me to be accepted as part of the big family of the Democratic Party. That was at the Mirah Hotel Bogor, April 2003. Not the founders, the founders were us, ninety-nine people," he said.

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