JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police has not yet determined the legal status for celebgram Millen Cyrus. The examination regarding the consumption of drugs containing benzo is still ongoing.

"(Status) is still under investigation," said the Director of the Jakarta Police Narcotics Investigation Grand Commissioner Mukti Juharsa to reporters, Sunday, February 28.

In handling narcotics cases, the police have 3X24 hours to determine a person's legal status.

In addition, in drug cases, the police usually use five legal references. The first refers to Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

Then, PP Number 25 of 2011 concerning Implementation of Compulsory Reporting for Narcotics Addicts. Third, using the Joint Regulation on the Handling of Narcotics Addicts and Victims of Narcotics Abuse into Rehabilitation Institutions in 2014.

Fourth, referring to the Circular of the Constitutional Court Number 04/BUA.6/HS/SP/IV/2010 dated 7 April 2010 concerning the placement of abuse and abuse victims and narcotics addicts into medical rehabilitation and social rehabilitation institutions.

Finally, the Regulation of the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit number 1 of 2016 concerning SOP for narcotics addicts and victims of narcotics abuse into rehabilitation institutions.

"The examination is still (ongoing)," he said.

Meanwhile, Millen Cyrus was secured at the Gunawarman Brotherhood Bar, Sunday, February 28 in the early morning. She was secured when the Metro Jaya Police's Narcotics Investigation Directorate held a health protocol raid during the COVID-19 pandemic.

For information, Millen Cyrus has twice dealt with police related to drugs. Previously, she was arrested for drug abuse on November 22, 2020, at a hotel in North Jakarta.

In that case, evidence was found in the form of a methamphetamine or bong suction device, a bottle of liquor, and 0.36 grams of crystal meth.

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