JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya found evidence that suspect Yudha Arfandi had accessed the CCTV of the Tirtamas Water Park swimming pool, which was the location of the death of Tamara Tyasmara's son, Dante.

With these findings, investigators will investigate the alleged premeditated murder behind the case.

"This as material later we will consider the application of articles, especially in the application of Article 340 (KUHP) regarding premeditated murder," said Director of General Criminal Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Wira Satya Triputra, to reporters, Wednesday, February 28.

It is known that Yudha Arfandi had access to CCTV at the scene based on the results of the digital analysis examination. It is said that the suspect accessed using his cellphone.

However, suspect Yudha Arfandi denied this right. However, investigators are said to be able to prove it with strong evidence that has been pocketed. "The results of the examination from digital analysts in the 13th scene were at 15.11 the suspect YA flooded and accessed CCTV palm swimming pools using his cellphone," he said.

Meanwhile, Polda Metro Jaya held a reconstruction of the case of the death of Raden Andante Khalif Pramudityo or Dante, the son of Tamara Tyasmara, who was suspected of drowning. The scene's reconstruction activity was carried out in two locations.

The crime scene or the crime scene of Dante's sinking is Tirta Swimming Pool Park, Pondok Kelapa, East Jakarta.

"The reconstruction of Dante's case began at the Regional Police at 10 o'clock and continued to the TKP," said Head of Sub-Directorate for Jatanras, Directorate of General Crimes at Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Rovan Richard Mahenu

The reconstruction was carried out to provide a full picture of a criminal act, in this case Dante's death, by re-examping the series of events.

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