TANGERANG - The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) is still considering the request of victims of the BUS BSD Serpong High School student bullying, South Tangerang (Tangsel), to receive protection.

LPSK Deputy Chairman Edwin Partogi said that his party must know the chronology until the legal process is ongoing. So that it takes 30 working days to determine it.

"We have a maximum of 30 days to decide after the review," said Edwin when confirmed, Sunday, February 25.

Edwin also explained that the victim had applied for protection on Friday, February 23, then through the victim's mother.

"(Date) February 23, 2024) the victim's mother or family submitted an application to LPSK," he said.

Meanwhile, the victim's attorney, Rizky explained, it is important to request protection from LPSK to ensure that victims receive protection when they return to school.

"For example, if this child can go to school in the future, who can guarantee that there is no shadow from the perpetrator at school, so we need protection from LPSK," said Rizki.

Rizky revealed that victims often get threats from someone through applications. This is also the basis for the victim's family submitting an application to LPSK.

"The threat indirectly exists, so there are several calls via line," he said.

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