TANGERANG - The Binus Internasional High School, BSD Serpong, South Tangerang City will follow up on cases of alleged bullying that involve artist children that make the victim hospitalized.

Binus University PR Corporate Haris Suhendra said that his party was currently calling regarding the case. They want to know the real incident of the case.

"So far, in handling schools and it is a priority to follow up, so far we have called those involved and are still in the process," said Haris when confirmed, Monday, February 19.

Haris admitted that he did not clearly know who was involved. However, he confirmed that the incident took place outside his school.

"It happened outside," he said.

He also ensured that if a number of students involved and took action to lead to a crime, sanctions would be carried out according to the rules.

"(Sanctions) follow the existing school rules," he said.

For information, the police revealed that the victim of alleged bullying at Binus International High School, BSD Serpong, South Tangerang City suffered burns to bruises.

"A section of his body has bruises, and burns due to being constrained by a hot object," said Head of PPA South Tangerang Police, Ipda Galih Dwi Nuryanti when met at his office, Monday, February 19.

Galih said that in the case of bullying, more than one person was suspected. This is known based on the results of the investigation by the investigative team.

"The wound has been post-mortem due to violence perpetrated by more than 1 perpetrator who is still under investigation," he said.

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