Nyoblos In Kampung Page, Koster Hopes Ganjar-Mahfud Win 80 Percent
I Wayan Koster/PHOTO: Dafi-VOI

BULELENG - Former Governor of Bali as well as Chairman of the Regional Winning Team (TPD) Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD Bali, Wayan Koster used his voting rights in his hometown, in Sembiran Village, Tejakula District, Buleleng Regency, Bali.

Koster was present with his wife and child to TPS 11 in Sembiran Village, Buleleng.

"I was here with my second wife and child, happened to be in Bali and did especially come home to participate in today's voting. And I attended the three of them using voting rights. My first child had already (noblos) in the Netherlands because of his work there," said Koster, Wednesday, February 14.

Regarding the vote acquisition, Koster set an 80 percent victory for Ganjar-Mahfud's victory.

"For the 95 percent, it is the spirit and chant for the motivation of all party ranks in Bali and also volunteers to move with extra hard work to approach voters so that they can achieve the optimal target. Of course, the realistic target is that one that has been calculated and mapped. Hopefully in Bali it can reach 80 percent (victory) Mr. Ganjar in Bali," he explained.

Koster as Chairman of TPD Ganjar-Mahfud hopes for the victory of candidate pair 03 on the Island of the Gods. It is hoped that Ganjar-Mahfud in the future will contribute to accelerating development on the island of Bali.

"Of course, as the team leader, we hope that Mr. Ganjar and Mahfud MD will be elected, it will have a real commitment and support and contribution to building Bali in the future. Because Bali requires acceleration of acceleration development, quality development, development in various fields, both culture, infrastructure, economic tourism, and also the construction of other strategic infrastructure," he said.

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