The Cakung Police are still investigating the cause of death of an unidentified man found in the water channel in front of a factory in the Pulogadung Industrial Estate, Jalan Rawa Gatel, Jatinegara Village, Cakung District, East Jakarta.
The investigation was carried out because at the time of identification there were wounds and bloodstains on the victim's body. However, the Cakung Police have not been able to confirm whether the blood came from the wound or there are other causes.
"It's still being investigated," said Cakung Police Chief Kompol Panji Ali Candra when confirmed, Tuesday, February 13.
Currently, the Cakung Police Criminal Investigation Unit is still investigating. Two witnesses from the factory security were also subjected to intensive examinations.
"Based on the examination, the identification team was not found (signs of violence on the victim's body)," he said.
However, to find out for sure, the victim's body was taken to the Kramat Jati Police Hospital for a Visum Et Repertum.
Police are also still looking for CCTV footage around the scene where the unidentified man's body was found without clothes.
Monday afternoon, February 12, the Jatanras Unit and the East Jakarta Metro Police Identification Team identified the body of an unidentified man found in the water channel in front of the gate of a factory on Jalan Rawagatel, Pulogadung Industrial Estate, Cakung District, East Jakarta.
From VOI's observation at the location, the man's body was found half naked without a shirt. The victim only wore black jeans.
The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cakung Police, AKP Abdi Harahap, said that from the results of the crime scene (TKP) the man's body did not have an identity.
The victim was found supine in a water channel. His body was covered in plastic waste and leaves. The only part of the victim's face is still visible.
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