JAKARTA - United States President Joe Biden wants the Palestinian Authority (PA) to immediately carry out reforms, so that in the future it can benefit the Palestinian people, when Hamas is no longer in power in Gaza.

That was said by President Biden after a meeting with King Abdullah II from Jordan at the White House, Washington DC Monday local time.

"We are trying to create a lasting peace condition with the fulfillment of Israel's security guarantees, as well as Palestinian aspirations for their own country. I say this is a lifelong support for Israel. That is the only way that guarantees Israel's long-term security," President Biden said. February 13th.

"To achieve this, Palestine must also take advantage of this opportunity. Palestinian authorities must immediately reform so that they can effectively provide benefits to the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza," continued Biden.

Furthermore, President Biden also underlined the importance of PA's ability to build a country that accepts peace, without militant groups such as Hamas.

"After Hamas' control over Gaza ends. (PA) must be prepared to build a country that accepts peace, does not accommodate groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad," he said.

"We have begun to integrate this area, to realize peace between Israel and all its Arab neighbors, including the Palestinian state in the future. The effort was carried out before the October 7 attack. This is even more urgent at this time," said President Biden.

On the same occasion, President Trump also praised Jordan's "unique role" as the custodian of Jerusalem's holy site.

"In difficult times like today, bonds between countries are becoming more important than ever," President Biden concluded.

Late last year, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said PA was ready to assume responsibility in the Gaza Strip, wanting a complete cessation of war in the region and continued delivery of humanitarian aid.

"The Palestinian Authority is ready to assume its responsibilities in Gaza, the West Bank, and Jerusalem as a Palestinian country," President Abbas told Egyptian television channels, reported by The National News.

President Abbas, who is also the leader of the Fatah Faction, emphasized that the Palestinian state must be established after the war and must consist of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.

Fatah is the dominant faction in the Palestinian Authority, which ruled part of the Israeli-occupied West Bank. While rival Hamas has ruled Gaza since they seized power there in 2007.

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