JAKARTA - A number of elderly teachers led by the former professor of the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), Prof. Ing Mokoginta, held a demonstration at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police Headquarters, South Jakarta.

They demanded justice from the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo and Kabareskrim Komjen Wahyu Widada regarding the handling of cases that had not been completed by investigators from the Directorate of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri.

This case has been going on for six years since it was first reported to the North Sulawesi Regional Police and then withdrawn to the National Police Headquarters.

Inneke S Indrarini Mokoginta, one of the protesters, asked for justice for the confiscation, embezzlement, and falsification of documents related to an area of 1.7 hectares.

In this action, Inneke was accompanied by Ing, Sintje Mokoginta, and legal counsel from LQ Indonesia Lawfirm, Alvin Lim and his colleagues, submitted letters to Irwasum, Kabareskrim, and the Head of the Bareskrim Polri Wassidik Bureau.

According to Inneke, the case has been at the North Sulawesi Regional Police for five years, with five changes to the Regional Police Chief, four times making reports, and two investigators who were sanctioned for violating the code of ethics. However, he said, the case was still stagnant.

After being withdrawn to the National Police Headquarters, the settlement has not yet been achieved, according to him, the handling still seems unfair.

Alvin Lim, the attorney from LQ Indonesia Lawfirm emphasized the importance of law enforcement to solve the problems faced by his client. He criticized the resolution of the problem that had been going on for six years by the police.

"The victims and LP reporters came all the way from Manado to Jakarta, to ask for legal certainty. Why has the case been filed but the suspect has not been mentioned. It is very odd. In accordance with the principle of Precision, the investigator should conduct an investigation in a transparent manner to the reporter, not even side with the potential suspect. " Alvin Lim said in his statement, Thursday, February 8.

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