JAKARTA - The South Jakarta District Court accepted a pretrial lawsuit filed by Aiman Witjaksono regarding the confiscation of cellphones and Instagram accounts. The inaugural trial will be held next week.

"The first trial day Monday is February 19, 2024," said the Public Relations official of the South Jakarta District Court, Djuyamto in his statement, Tuesday, February 6.

Later, the trial of the pretrial lawsuit will be chaired by the sole judge Delta Tama.

The pretrial lawsuit of Aiman Witjaksono is registered with case number 25/pid.pra/2024/PN.JKT.SEL. The defendant in the lawsuit is the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police.

Previously, Aiman's lawyer, Finsensius Mendrofa, said that in the pretrial lawsuit, there were several things that became the object of the application. One of them is regarding the letter of determination of confiscation from the court.

"The procedural error of the investigator who confiscated Aiman's belongings was not in accordance with the confiscation order," said Finsensius.

For information, investigators confiscated cellphones, Instagram accounts and emails belonging to Aiman Witjaksono in handling cases of alleged spreading false news or hoaxes about 'not neutral police'.

For the confiscation, Asam complained to the Press Council, Kompolnas, and the Indonesian Ombudsman. The spokesman for the Ganjar-Mahfud TPN asked for protection after his cellphone was confiscated by Polda Metro Jaya investigators.

Most recently, Aiman complained about investigators from Polda Metro Jaya, including Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak as Director of Special Criminal Investigation to Propam Polri.

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