An interesting moment occurred when presidential candidate number 01, Anies Baswedan, used Sasak when attending an open campaign at Karang Pule Field, Sekarbela District, Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

This moment occurred when the former governor of DKI Jakarta read the post on one of the banners posted on the Karang Pule Field. In the banner written containing the complaint, it is written that it uses Sasak which comes from the Sasak tribe, the majority tribe on the island of Lombok.

With a rigid and observant tone, Anies tried to read the residents' complaints one by one in Sasak.

"Niki complaints from the people of Abah. Pegawean zinc, kepeng zinc. Really? Basic necessities are expensive," said Anies, greeted by cheers from his supporters who packed the Karang Pule Field, Mataram.

"Ite needs healthy jarite children, cance pinter. Solar oil is a sengke GTi fisherman. Boyak kredit usaha y jelimet. Right?," Anies continued as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, February 6.

"Does it want to be allowed to continue? Does it want to continue? Should we change it? What need it? God willing, changes will occur in this place," he said.

In the complaint using the Sasak language, it is said that access to finding work is currently very difficult, the price of basic necessities is increasingly strangling.

In addition, the public also complains about the high cost of education, diesel for fishermen is also increasingly difficult and business credit access for the community is very complicated.

Not only the banner, a number of posters carried by the masses were also read by the presidential candidate number 1. Therefore, for the many complaints submitted by residents through posters and banners, Anies Baswedan will continue and fight for.

"God willing, we will try to achieve changes to what the residents have complained about," he said.

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