JAKARTA - Head of the National Winning Team (TPN) Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud, Arsjad Rasjid said that Ganjar Pranowo did not have special preparations to face the fifth presidential election debate at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) tonight.

As is known, at tonight's debate, Sunday, February 4, all candidate pairs (paslon) will discuss seven themes, namely, education, health, employment, culture, information technology, and social welfare and inclusion.

"If you say special preparation, there is none," said Arsjad to reporters, Sunday, February 4.

According to him, all the themes in the 'final' debate were issues that had been faced when he served as Governor of Central Java.

For example, regarding inclusion. Ganjar is said to already have experience related to this matter. So, you can explain well during the debate.

"Regarding the inclusion, for example disabled, he already understands and knows, has never been the head of the paralympics, at that time. So he really cares (care), not because of this," he said.

In addition, continued Arsjad, all the themes that will be discussed in this debate are very important. Because, in person with the community.

"So the issue today, the others, the issue of people's welfare, and all of that is a very important part to pay attention to," said Arsjad.

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