VOTABAYA - Dozens of academic community and alumni of Universitas Airlangga Surabaya responded to the current political dynamics through the action "Unair Calling: Open Invitation in Statement of Administering Democracy, Protecting the Republic" at the local campus on Monday, February 5. More than 100 people have signed this petition as a form of concern for political developments that are considered to be increasingly distant from the ethics principles of the republic.

Airlangga Pribadi Kusman, an Unair academic community, stated that this action was a response to the increasingly troubling political situation. This statement of attitude reflects the concern of academic people for developments that are considered to be getting further away from the ethical principles of the republic.

"We see that the state administrators are getting further and further away from the ethical principles of the republic," said Airlangga.

According to him, Indonesia as a republic must prioritize the principle of equality for every citizen. This action is also a response to serious ethical violations that occur, including indications of power intervention in the presidential election process.

Airlangga said that academics want Indonesia to remain a rule of law, not a rule by the law, with laws above power.

"When we are currently witnessing, starting from the issue of the Constitutional Court, which then there is a serious ethical violation until then an indication of an intervention in power," he said.

Unair academic community also highlighted development programs that are considered to be used for electoral political interests. They hope that leaders can set ethical examples for the people and think that this situation must be evaluated so as not to harm democracy.

Regarding the assumption that academic statements are partisan, Airlangga sees that the assessment is not correct. He emphasized that votes trying to correct certain political moments are considered disturbing by power.

"Actions that encourage democracy are considered political partisans. This is a repetition of the New Order era," he said.

The actions taken by academics are considered as civil and political rights of citizens that must be respected. They also consider the use of the academic pulpit as a right that must be respected and protected by institutions.

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