JAKARTA - For the January 2024 period, the West Jakarta Metro Police have secured evidence of drugs worth billions of rupiah along with seven perpetrators who have international networks.

West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol M Syahduddi explained that the seven perpetrators who had been arrested had the initials JF (39), then DR (42), MR (27), ZF (24), AD (23), JM (28) and AR (28).

The police also secured evidence in the form of 27.6 kilograms (kg) of crystal methamphetamine, 18 thousand ecstasy pills and 26.7 kg of marijuana.

"Successfully secured by investigators in this disclosure were narcotics of methamphetamine weighing 27.6 kilograms, ecstasy as many as 18,000 pills and marijuana 26.8 kilograms," said Syahduddi, Antara, February 2.

According to Syahduddi, the disclosure of this case began with the arrest of a man named LH (39) in the Aceh region on December 19, 2023.

"In the period at the end of the year (2023) we managed to secure someone on behalf of LH with evidence weighing 30 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and then investigators carried out developments," said Syahduddi.

From this development, his party was successfully revealed four locations for drug trafficking.

"The first TKP is one of the houses in Cicadas Village, Ciampea, Bogor, West Java, which was secured by the perpetrators of JF," he said.

The second crime scene (TKP) was in one of the houses on Jalan Pengadegan Timur Raya, Pancoran, South Jakarta. At that location, the perpetrators of DR and MR were arrested.

The third crime scene was at a hotel on Jalan Lieutenant Sayuti, East Ilir, Palembang City, South Sumatra. At that location, the perpetrators of JF, AD and JM were arrested.

"The fourth TKP is one of the hotels, precisely in the generator storage room, which is on Jalan Denpasar Raya, Setiabudi, South Jakarta, the AR perpetrator is secured," he said.

However, Syahduddi did not specify the details of the date of the arrests at the four crime scenes. However, it was stated that the seven perpetrators were involved in drug trafficking due to economic motives.

"As for the motive, everything leads to economic motives," said Syahduddi.

For their actions, the perpetrators were charged with Article 114 Paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 132 Paragraph (2) of Law Number 35 Year 2009 concerning Narcotics.

The threat is a maximum sentence of death, life imprisonment and / or imprisonment for a minimum of six years and a maximum of 20 years. The following is a minimum fine of IDR 1 billion and a maximum fine of IDR 10 billion plus a third.

In addition, Article 14 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 111 paragraph 2 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with the threat of death penalty, life imprisonment or imprisonment for a minimum of five years and a maximum of 20 years in prison and a minimum fine of Rp. 800 million and a maximum of Rp. 8 billion.

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