JAKARTA - The Minister of SOEs as well as supporters of Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Erick Thohir, sent a message to guard the TPS so that there would be no fraud in the 2024 General Election.

In an event entitled Welcome Chief ET to Fanta HQ, Erick Thohir said that supporters of candidate pair number 2 would not be lulled by the results of a survey showing their superiority.

"Don't look at it (the survey results). We haven't won yet, if later on February 14 maybe at 5-7 pm we already know the results. What does that mean? Go down harder, take care of the TPS, don't let us be rigged," Erick said at the Fanta HQ Menteng TKN office, Central Jakarta, Thursday, February 1.

Erick Thohir admitted that he came to the TKN of young Fanta voters to invite the younger generation to choose Prabowo-Gibran. Erick also discussed and listened to aspirations.

Erick Thohir supports Prabowo-Gibran because Prabowo and President Joko Widodo have succeeded in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic

"That's what knocked me (Pribowo's reconciliation with Jokowi), that's what makes me think of a path other than us together in a power for the dream of the 2045 golden generation which could become one of the world's largest economies," concluded Erick.

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