JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is investigating a meeting between Idrus Marham and former Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights (Wamenkumham) Edward Sharif Omar Hiariej or Eddy Hiariej at the house of the President Director of PT Citra Lampia Mandiri (CLM), Helmut Hermawan.

This effort was made by examining the Golkar Party politician on Wednesday, January 31 yesterday. He was examined as a witness for Helmut Hermawan who had been named a suspect in giving bribes and gratuities against Eddy Hiariej.

"It was also investigated regarding the alleged witness meeting with the Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights at the residence of the suspect HH," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters, Thursday, February 1.

In addition, investigators also investigated Idrus' position at PT CLM when he was still led by Helmut. Meanwhile, Idrus admitted that he had indeed been a commissioner there

This was conveyed by the former Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) after undergoing an examination. Posisi pernah menjadi Komisaris CLM satu hari, jadi, saya tanggal 4 Juli 2022 ditangkap di dalam RUPS (Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham) Luar biasa. Tapi, tanggal 5 saya sudah mengundurkan diri, ujar Idrus kepada wartawan di Gedung Merah Putih KPK, Kuningan Persada, Jakarta Selatan.

Idrus revealed that he resigned because he felt he had no background in the mining sector. He also only found out that he was appointed as a commissioner after the meeting was completed.

Not only that, Idrus also mentioned knowing a number of problems in the company. In fact, he had met Helmut and Haji Isam who were both mining entrepreneurs.

"So, Mr. Haji Isam has nothing to do with it but was asked for help so that how can it be done so that if there is a family settlement, he is asked for help," he concluded.

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