JAKARTA - Indonesian educational reforms with the presence of the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum demand a paradigm change, so that learning is no longer solely about the process of transferring knowledge from teachers to students, but rather a process to develop critical thinking skills, creativity and problem solving. In order to support this goal, proper teaching equipment is needed and relevant to curriculum demands. One of the teaching tools in question is textbooks.

Currently, textbooks are still the main need, both for teachers and students in learning activities. Through this textbook, students' knowledge, skills, and character are developed. Therefore, textbooks must meet the criteria as a good learning medium. Then, what are the criteria for textbooks?

Responding to these challenges, Intan Pariwara Group through PT Intan Pariwara Edukasi launched Smart Book, the first modern textbook in Indonesia. Smart Book combines Independent Curriculum with innovative content that not only supports mastery of material, but also forms global students, has 21-century skills and understands the principles of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In the Smart Book, these charges are integrated in every relevant material and activity and are presented in a fun way. Not to forget, this modern concept book invites students to develop attitudes according to the values of Pancasila.

Herbal Ang, CEO of Intan Pariwara Group, said that the launch of the Smart Book continued Intan Pariwara's commitment to supporting and preparing the superior young generation of Indonesia Gold 2045, not only contributing to the nation and even competing in the global arena.

"Therefore, we always strive to provide the best educational facilities and infrastructure to face the challenges of a more complex world of education. The Smart Book combines a curriculum with a fun learning concept, through easy-to-understand presentation of materials, support for multimedia content such as videos, audio, and interactive games. This book is also connected to modern learning platforms Jelajah Science. We hope that this initiative can expand the horizon and set new standards for textbooks in Indonesia," he explained, Wednesday, January 31.

The launch of the Smart Book was held to coincide with the National Education Seminar entitled Meaningful Learning to Support Controlling the Skills of the 21st Century which was held at the Ki Hajar Dewantara Hall, DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office. This seminar focuses on the latest presentation regarding the implementation of the Independent Curriculum and meaningful learning towards the Indonesian Golden Generation 2045.

This National Seminar was also attended by a number of experts in the field of education, including Dr. Yogi Anggraena, M.Si. (Kuriculum Development Coordinator, Curriculum and Learning Center, BSKAP, Kemdikbudristek RI), Prof. Dr. Ir. Richardus Eko Indrajit, M.Sc., M.B.A., MAPhil., MA (Education Expert), Purwosusilo (Plt. Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office), and Herbalet Ang (CEO Intan Pariwara Group).

The importance of innovation in the development of teaching equipment in accordance with the Independent Curriculum also received a positive response by Dr. Yogi Anggraena, M.S.

"We welcome Intan Pariwara's initiative through the launch of the Smart Book. Because, we believe that active participation from all elements in the education ecosystem, including publishers such as Intan Pariwara, is important in realizing an advanced Indonesia that is sovereign, independent and has a personality through the creation of Pancasila students who are critical, creative, independent, believe in piety to God Almighty, and have noble character, work together, and have global diversity. This initiative is an inspiration for other parties to contribute in realizing quality and global insight Indonesian education," he said.

Transformative steps in the world of education are part of Intan Pariwara's commitment as a partner in the Indonesian education sector. Various innovations and other collaborations have been prepared to ensure that Indonesian education moves in the right direction, namely producing Indonesia's best human resources.

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